Periodontitis treatment

Periodontitis is a disease characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

As periodontitis spreads, it also spreads to other tissues that fix the teeth, and eventually leads to the destruction of the gingival junction and interalveolar bone partitions, and, as a result, to tooth loss.

A periodontist is exactly the kind of specialist a patient with periodontitis needs.

Спеціалісти нашої стоматології, це практикуючі лікарі з досвідом роботи по лікуванню пародонтиту різного ступеня складності.

The patient's first visit to the clinic for an appointment with a periodontist is an acquaintance, examination of the oral cavity, X-ray examination of the jaws, preparation of a periodontal chart (Perio chart), in which the results of measuring the pockets near each tooth are recorded.

It is on the basis of these basic examinations that a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is drawn up.


82, Akademika Andrey Sakharova St,
м. Lviv, Lviv region, 79000, Ukraine
